Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wedding Season has begun!

This Saturday I had the amazing pleasure to photograph a wedding for a beautiful bride, Febi. She was so sweet, and her now husband is one of the kindest men I've ever met! They both had large wedding parties, and seeing her friends be supportive of her was amazing! Plus, one of the bridesmaids was the nurse who was with me when I delivered Quinn. It was great to see her. Below are some photos of her getting ready and during the reception. I can't wait for the next wedding!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Special Announcement!

Well, today I went to meet with and chat with the wonderful ladies at Lisa Ross Birth and Women's Center. That is where I have photographed all of the amazing deliveries I have posted recently. We have decided that we will display a lot of my birth photos on the walls of the delivery center, and some newborn photos up in the clinic! I couldn't be more excited about this! I'll be working with the Center, taking photos of the midwives/nurses in action, displaying work on the walls, be offered to the pregnant moms as a birth photographer, and I'll have a slide show presentation at the Natural Parenting Expo in April! Lisa Ross is the BEST example of an endorsement that I could possibly imagine. Their philosophy, practices, ideals and teachings are what I am most passionate about in life. Their patients are my "target audience". I couldn't be any happier than how I feel right now. Plus, my studio opens in 2 days! It is not "complete" quite yet (details details details!) but it is up and running. Two of my life's biggest goals are coming to fruition at once! I am so very blessed.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gracie & Alice

This was a nursing shoot turned couldn't-resist-turning-the-camera-on-Alice shoot. This little girl is a photographers dream! So smiley and easy going, and her mama was a super cool chick too :)

Zara's entry to the world

This was a very special shoot for me. My friend Carrie-Cate was in labor with her second child, first daughter, Zara. She was such a strong woman, speaking softly to her baby and connecting with her while she labored to meet her precious gift. I was lucky enough to be there to capture her hard work and the unbelievable pay off when Zara came into the world! Carrie-Cate had such a support system, her parents and several friends, who all cried with joy and cheered when Zara was born. If I could photograph births for the rest of my life, I would! It is unlike anything I've ever done before and I can't wait for the next one!